Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Hey everyone,
I have arrived safe and sound back in Melbourne after essentially 3 long days of travel. I arrived back home Sunday morning,  Melitta picked me up from the airport and I was exhausted. I hadn't slept properly since Wednesday night, then it was a bit of an adventure getting home. I had an 8 hour stop over in Dubai, then a stopover in Singapore so I was pretty relieved to clear customs and  leave the airport.
I had a really quiet day Sunday after getting home and by mid evening I was feeling pretty ordinary so I went to bed. I woke up the next morning feeling horrible, with a really sore throat and headache. I had planned to go out to the course and get started on the things I had learnt last week but I was in no way to be productive.
I had a good rest and then decided to go to the gym, which in hindsight was maybe not the best idea.
I was ill again, and had to go to the doctor. I was told I have pharyngitis, which is inflammation  of the pharynx. I just have to rest and gargle salty water.

I'm feeling a lot better today and have my sights set on getting back into training tomorrow.
My first event is the 9th of January and I will be driving up to NSW to play in a string of pro ams before some of the bigger events.
As for my schedule next year, through playing in the tournament in Morocco I get some status on the secondary  European Ladies Tour. There's not a lot of money to play for so at times I may need to do some casual work but it is a really good stepping stone to get onto the main tour.

Thanks again to everyone, I hope to see you all soon and wish you a safe and Merry Christmas

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