Tuesday 2 December 2014

Hello everyone! I've been at Walton Heath for 4 days now and it's been great. I made some lovely friends the first day I played, and we organised a game for the next day. Kathy, one of the lady's even offered to pick me up which was a good result considering how cold it was! We played the Old course which has lots of similarities to Kingston Heath as I was explaining to my playing partners.
I played 2 rounds on the old course and then yesterday I played the New Course. Both courses are great, the greens on the old are very slow at the moment due to the rain. Today I am playing the new course again and am prepared for the elements. Yesterday I had to borrow a beanie to keep my head from frosting over!

Also on Monday I caught the train into Oxford Circus to catch up with Tina Jeary who was a member at Kingston Heath. It was a miracle in itself that I made it into the city considering I had to catch 3 different trains, overground underground and about an hour later I met Tina. We had some lunch and caught up. I filled her in on what I have been up to and how everyone at the club is :)

I fly to Morocco tomorrow afternoon and will blog on my progress over there!
Thanks again to everyone for their support and sending you all a big hug from over here!

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