Thursday 22 January 2015

Moss Vale

Hey everyone,
Yesterday was the first day of our two day tournament at Moss Vale Golf Club, I played at 6.58am so it was a nice and early start. I was paired with Liv Cheng who I'm being billeted with, and two amateurs Neil and Jacob.
Jacob is about 14 and was running late so he missed the first two holes but caught us on our third.
It was raining early in the round, but by the end of the day it was fairly clear for the afternoon field.
I played fairly well, I shot even par 73. I struggled with afew shots but was able to get out of trouble with some really good putts. I'm playing at 12.02pm today and am looking forward to the day.
Tomorrow I'm heading up to visit my Aunty and Uncle before the last two pro ams in Sydney, before returning home for the Vic Open at Thirteenth Beach.
Thanks for all the support and il let you know how the week pans out!
- Gracie

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