Sunday 12 July 2015

Upate July 13th

Hey everyone,
Just typing this as I'm sitting in the SBP (Sport Business Partners) office in Prahan. This is Marty Hirons business and he, along with his team of Ben Manning and Paul Fuller they have been helping me get organised with the business side of professional golf for the past 12 months.
At the moment we are working on updating my CV in order to try and gain sponsorships to help with my travel and golfing commitments. We have been looking into doing another 4week stint in China in September, followed by European Tour School in December.
I have also been enjoying working on my fitness with the Biomechanics group, and feel that even after two weeks I am starting to feel fitter. Working there with Brendan we have started to focus on encorporating cardiovascular fitness with strength work. This means short stints on the bike and treadmill at a high intensity, followed by weights with lots of reps.
Last week after my session I looked like a tomato, but I'm really enjoying it.
I have also been busy with practice, work and in my spare time managed to move house on the weekend. We are now living in a rented unit in which is great for getting to and from Kingston Heath as well as the gym.
Thanks to everyone who has liked my golf page, please keep sharing the page with family and friends.

I hope everyone is well, stay warm and good golfing!